Run Routes Confident with a Clean Diesel Particulate Filter
Due to the complexity of a modern automobile, detecting serious technical issues during a routine checkup have become major challenge. As we never bet on your safety, we always use the latest diagnostics tools. By conducting comprehensive diagnostic tests, we unearth undetected technical problems at an initial stage and resolve it in real time.
We also provide diesel particulate filter cleaning in Dandenong for light trucks and car. Our expert dpf cleaners help us to do complete dpf filter cleaning and deliver best services to our customers. We remove all the soot and ash buildup from the dpf and make it clean to use. Contact us for diesel particulate filter cleaning in Dandenong for light truck or car.

We provide following diagnostic services
- ECU Reset
- Clear Diagnostic Information
- Read DTC Information
- Read Data by Identifier
- Read Memory by Address
- Security Access
- Communication Control
- Write Data by Identifier
- Input-Output Control by Identifier
- Write Memory by Address
- Tester Present
- Control DTC Setting